External Works

I currently write for two organizations: The Center for the Advancement in Cancer Education and Infinity House Magazine.

The Center for the Advancement in Cancer Education

Cancer prevention and treatment is near and dear to my heart. My mom passed away from metastatic breast cancer in 2012, and I vowed that day on to do everything in my power to prevent other people from going through what she did.

My momma and I

I have been writing for The Center for the Advancement of Cancer Education, beatcancer.org, since last year. Their motto, if you will, is that 90% of cancer cases can be prevented by healthy lifestyle and environment choices. From my own research and observations, I tend to agree with this bold declaration, and have been honored to contribute to their organization. The following are the articles I have had published for this organization:

Can Vitamin C Cure Cancer? 

You’ve heard about intravenous therapy (drip therapy) to deliver medication, but could high-dose intravenous (IV) infusion of something as ubiquitous as vitamin C slow or cure cancer? Decades of research and several peer-reviewed studies show promising results and possible benefits of high doses of vitamin C.

Magnesium Deficiency and Cancer

As our regular readers know, we rarely write about isolated, fractionated nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals. We favor instead the essential synergy of thousands of phytonutrients that function together in whole foods. This article about magnesium is a notable exception for some very interesting reasons.

5 Essential Things to Know About Cancer Caregiver Support

Becoming an informal caregiver (unpaid family, friends, and neighbors) is not a job most people ask for, but it quickly can become the most important. It is mentally and emotionally challenging, and requires a lot of time and effort on behalf of both patient and caregiver. Woefully unprepared, my father and I became my mother’s caretakers, from her original lumpectomy for breast cancer, to rehabilitation from brain cancer, to her demise despite the efforts of some of the best doctors in the country nearly 12 years after the original diagnosis. I hope that by sharing this cathartic article, I can educate and empower caregivers while helping other young adults to learn from my experiences.

Fermented Foods and Cancer

Bread, yogurt, sauerkraut, cheese, vinegar, and beer. What do all of these foods have in common? All of the above (and many other foods) are fermented. Fermented foods have recently gained a lot of positive attention, and for good reason. Fermented foods are filled with concentrated nutrients, probiotics, and good bacteria, many of which we use routinely in our one hundred trillion bacteria strong gut microbiota.

Infinity House Magazine

I also write short articles on nutrition for Infinity House Magazine on nutrition topics:

Do You Need A Vitamin D Supplementation Plan?

When I think vitamin D, I think sunshine. Blue, cloud-free skies with the warm sun heating the earth below it. There’s a reason sun-kissed people look so vibrant: sun (UVB) exposure is the best way of synthesizing your daily dose of vitamin D. Unfortunately for those of us living 37 degrees north or south of the equator (I’m looking at you, England), we simply don’t get enough sunlight for our bodies to produce vitamin D. This is especially true for people with dark skin, older adults, and people who are overweight or obese.

3 Small Changes You Can Make Now To Improve Your Health

Spring has sprung and that means swimsuit season is right around the corner. If you are anything like me, then you may bein the midst of a blind panic and wondering if a new fad diet really can make you lose 10 pounds in the same amount of days. We both know this kind of thinking is counterproductive and worse, puts our bodies in a never ending cycle of dieting and weight gain. Healthy eating habits and lifestyle adjustments don’t come about all at once – They are developed over time through habit forming. The following are three essential habits to have that are easy to do but will absolutely lead to better choices and a better diet. This spring, adopt small lifestyle shifts to make big changes – the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, after all!

Obesity: The Growing Epidemic 

Obesity is one of the most problematic non-communicable diseases facing the modern world. It affects both developed and developing countries, almost all socioeconomic and age groups, and is increasing: Over 1.5 billion adults are overweight and nearly 700 adults are classified as obese. It is a disease that is associated with chronic, long-term health problems and is the cause of hundreds of billions of dollars a year in health care costs. Although a majority of adults in first world countries (77% in the United States) are actively trying to lose weight, we are getting heavier and heavier with no end in sight.

Could This Italian Town Hold The Secret To Living Longer?

Tucked away in the Campania region of Italy resides the town of Acciaroli. Although previously famous for its tourism and a frequent haunt of Ernest Hemingway, it is now in the news for having a significant elderly population of centenarians – people who have lived to the age of 100 and beyond!

5 Baking Substitutes To Cut Calories and Improve Nutrients 

My name is Julia, and I’m a foodie. It’s been a long road for me to finally admit this, but by finally doing so, I feel free. I approach recipes now not with reckless abandonment, but with a skilled approach and challenge to turn my favorite unhealthy dishes into nutrient-packed superfoods I can feel good about eating. These simple suggestions are tricks I use in the kitchen all the time and they are super easy to follow.

Julia aka The Curious Nutritionist

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